"Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see." Hebrews 11:1 NLT
The Elf on the Shelf had been a Christmas tradition for us since my grandkids were little. Of course, now, they know that the elves cannot fly. But it was good lesson to teach them about faith and believing in something. The kids were certain that the elves could only fly if they had faith that the elves could fly. They also believed that if they touched them, it would stop the elves from flying altogether.
Well now since they are a lot older, they know it was the adults moving the elves around overnight and that the elves were not actually flying. Nevertheless, it taught them this valuable lesson. If you believe in something with all your heart, your faith creates the possibility of something becoming a reality. Also, they learned that it was best not to interfere and just follow the rules because someone behind the scenes was working to make it happen. This same principle applies to us as Christians. Faith has its possibilities and rewards. It is best to let God handle it! Even though we do not see him at work, we know that He is busy working everything out behind the scenes. Now is not the time to take matters in your hands.
Have faith in God! Happy Holidays