They said to each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn within us as he talked with us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24:32 NKJV
Is your heart on fire? I hope so! Remember when you first fell in love, it seemed like your heart was on fire when you even thought about the person you loved. However, over time, that flame may have dwindled to just a spark. Sometimes this happens to us in our relationship with Christ. Of course, He is eternally and overwhelmingly in love with us, thank God! We know that because He gave Himself to save us from everything that was against us. (Colossians 2:14)
We allow so many things to change that burning flame in our hearts to faint sparks. It is the Word of God that keeps us on fire for God. When we read it, meditate on it, or hear it spoken, faith comes to us because the Word of God is alive. (Romans 10:17, Hebrews 4:12) Jesus warns us about the things that crowd out the Word and subsequently put out our fire. He spoke of these things: attractions of this world, the delights of wealth, the search for success, and the lure of nice things. (Mark 4:19 TLB) God does not have a problem with us enjoying what he has created, success, or nice things but, none of these things should interfere with or replace the loving relationship Christ wants to have with us.
Today is a good day to examine ourselves with the help of the Holy Spirit. We cannot rely on ourselves to do the examination. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us the heart is deceitful, so we must rely on the Holy Spirit to lead us to the truth. If you find that you only have a spark, all is not lost. That fire you once had for the things of God can be rekindled. Praise God! Simply embrace the Word of God once again and let the "Word of Christ" dwell in you richly. (Colossians 3:16)
Be a keeper of the flame, letting it burn brightly for the world to see!